Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 18:14

Giving a pet a second chance at a good life is always a wonderful thing to do and when you take in a Shar Pei rescue dog you are doing a wonderful and humane thing.
But in the meantime you will need patience and you will need to make sure that you keep an eye out for potentially bad traits and be ready to deal with some of the issues that come along with taking in an abused pet.
Give your dog some space just for a little while. Your dog will never truly be comfortable unless it can get a feel for where it is and have a chance to take in all the new sights and scents of your home. Once the dog realizes it is not in the abusive situation anymore it will start to relax but give it that chance first.
When your Shar Pei rescue dog is getting adjusted to your home you need to reduce the commotion, noise, and sudden movements that are going on in the home to give the dog a chance to get used to your home. A Shar Pei does not like a lot of sudden movements and can get a little confused and even frustrated when there are a lot of things going on and a lot of activity coming at it. So for the benefit of your new dog you may want to keep the clatter down for a little while until the dog gets used to its new home and new family.
In the course of training your new Shar Pei rescue dog it will make mistakes even as intelligent as it is. When your dog makes mistakes do not punish it because that will only make things worse. Punishment will confuse the dog and could spark more aggressive behavior so use only positive reinforcement in your training and remember that the Shar Pei takes to training very well and can get bored quickly so keep it interesting.
There is an aggression with the Shar Pei that comes from its original breeding as an intelligent fighting dog. However they are also fiercely loyal to their family and once they develop that habit they become a wonderful family pet.
They are also very loyal dogs that become very attached to their family and if you show enough patience and love towards them then eventually they will drop the aggression and move to being the loyal family dog they really want to be.
Anything you try to teach a Shar Pei rescue dog will eventually sink in and the dog responds very well to training. But you need to exercise patience and have a little respect for what the dog has been through before you can really make your new dog the loyal family pet it wants to be.
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