Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 12:18

The day you bring your brand new puppy into your home for the first time is a joyous one; but it can also cause a lot of stress, especially if this is the first time that you?ve had a dog. You?ll need to learn many things in order to be a good caretaker of your new dog.The first thing you need to do is to ensure that your new pet feels loved and secure in their new home. Talk to your dog in a gentle tone of voice and be sure not to yell at them, even when they do something you don?t like. Yelling at your dog can make them afraid of you and leave them with mental scars; they may never look at you quite the same again! As soon as you can after bringing home your new puppy, you should go to dog training classes.There are plenty of good reasons to have your dog trained ? and remember it?s not just your new dog that needs to learn some things; you will have some lessons to learn as well. You need to learn how to handle your new pet and just as importantly, how not to handle it.You?ll understand the need for training your puppy almost the minute you bring them home. Your new dog will be extremely energetic and will run all over the house, chewing on everything, possibly breaking things and peeing on the floor.You?ll learn a lot of useful things in dog training classes, such as which commands are the most effective and just as importantly, what tone of voice to use when giving your dog a command. You?ll need to learn these things and practice them regularly ? this will make your new dog a better behaved member of the family and while some puppy damage is almost inevitable, can prevent much of the damage your new dog may cause.You?ll need to walk your dog once or twice every day. You?ll need to teach your dog to walk without having to tug on their leash; your dog will need to learn to take direction in order to accomplish this.Not knowing how to control your dog when you are out for a walk can lead to disaster. It?s only natural for your dog to want to chase squirrels and other small animals ? but they will run into the street after them, which can be catastrophic.Traffic accidents are one of the major killers of especially dogs and often times it are because the owner can't control the dog with words and commands. That is why the training part is so vitally important in order to keep your dog from harm.
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