Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 12:12

Toy Pomeranians are easy to identify and hard to forget. They look like the world's cutest, tiniest foxes with coats twice as big as their bodies. They have a high forehead, pointed ears, huge eyes and a button nose at the end of a slightly pointed snout. Some snouts will be blunter than others. The breeding trend seems to be for a profile like that of a Chihuahua rather than that of a miniature Spitz. Pomeranians are incredibly popular, but this popularity comes at a price. They are often purchased on impulse and then abandoned when reality sets in. You need to know basic Pomeranian information before taking on one of these dogs. They have certain demands that need to be met, but when they are they become a loyal and chipper companion that will be unforgettable. You need to get used to their yappy bark, their shedding and their delicate skeleton. Most toy Pomeranians are abandoned through no fault of their own. A lot do not get along with little children or boisterous, bigger dogs. They like to be the star of the show. But their thick, soft, profuse coats are a big reason why many get abandoned. This coat grows thickly, quickly and needs constant attention. If you have ever had a Persian cat, then you already know what is involved. They look utterly charming and tend to stare directly at you, tilting their heads this way and that to show off the full effects of their bright, dark eyes. It takes time, patience and dedication to live with these dogs. In order to keep their fluffy coat clean and tangle-free, it needs to be groomed every day. Their teeth need to be examined and brushed on a daily basis, as their teeth are about the most delicate in the canine kingdom.Toy Pomeranians can be willful and seem to pay attention to you only when they feel like it, but training is possible. You need to be persistent and patient. Training sessions should be short, filled with praise and treats (or a favorite toy given only during training sessions). Never hit your toy Pomeranian, as one solid blow can kill them. They are far more delicate than even a cat.Pomeranians have never read the official Pomeranian information printed about them. This is a breed that, on the whole, is unpredictable but loves attention. They are generally curious, affectionate and do not need a lot of exercise. Since most Pomeranians have health problems with their eyes, skin, heart and skeletons, only the healthiest should ever breed no matter how cute they look. They are better off with quiet adults rather than a family with young children.
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