Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 18:23

There are many advantages to getting a Yorkshire Terrier rescue dog from a Yorkshire Terrier rescue group. Since Yorkies are the second most popular purebred dog in America, chances are that there will be some Yorkies to adopt at your local animal shelter. However, those animal shelter employees and volunteers are overworked and underappreciated. They might not know much about the background or temperament of the Yorkies they have for adoption.
But did you know that purebreds make up about twenty five percent of all abandoned pets? This is what the Humane League of the United States has discovered. You should adopt a Yorkie from an animal shelter or Yorkshire Terrier breed rescue rather than buy a puppy.
The long, silky coats of Yorkshire Terrier rescue dogs need grooming everyday. Keeping the coat trimmed will greatly help with grooming time and keep the dog comfortable. It is possible to learn how to trim your Yorkie yourself, but you should at first go to a professional groomer to see how it is done.
Yorkie's coats grow fast, so expect at least ten trips to a groomer a year. By grooming your Yorkshire Terrier rescue dog every day, they will get used to be handled by you, the groomer, the vet or anyone.
Yorkshire Terrier rescue dogs can be very nervous in their first weeks at a new home. Be patient, don't make too much of a fuss, and keep visitors to a minimum until the dog feels more confident.
Don't let other dogs or kids play roughly with the dog. If a dog gets hurt, especially a Yorkshire Terrier rescue dog, they can bite out of the fear that the pain has brought them. This gentle treatment is one reason why Yorkies are popular with senior citizens.
Yorkshire Terriers, rescue dogs or not, will often have problems in housetraining. This is due to the small size of their bladders, not through an inability to learn. Many Yorkies have learned how to use a cat littler box. They seem to learn litter training easier than some other toy breeds.
Many Yorkies can wind up in shelters just because they fall short in their looks somewhere, instead of for personality problems. Your Yorkie may weigh over seven pounds, have a lot of black patches, may have a full tail or a tail held very low, may have an over bite or dewclaws. They are still purebred Yorkies.
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