Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 12:34

Crates are wonderful experience for your pet and you.
With sure dog owner want their dogs to be well behaved and home furnishings to be in the same conditions when they leave their dogs home alone. Dog crate training takes patience and time but at the end you will see how rewarding it is and this can be achieved only with some simple steps. You dog will see its crate as a safe place and will be happy to be there.
How to choose the proper dog crate ?
There are of metal or plastic dog crates in different sizes. Your dog should feel well in the crate so there should be enough space for him to turn around and stand in. If your dog is still a puppy, buy a crate depending his adult size and block off the unnecessary space with a divider until he grows up. Of course if you don’t want to be funny with a giant carrier while there is a little puppy in it, buy a smaller one.
How to start the Pet Crate Training ?
Depending on your dog's personality, age,and past experience, the training process could last from a few days to a few weeks. The process is slow. Your dog should associate its crate with pleasant feelings. First cover it with a soft blanket inside, put it in a high-traffic place of your home and then introduce the crate to your dog. Speak gently to him. It is clever to drop some treats near it and inside to encourage your dog to go closer and to enter. If he refuses- do not force him. After several days repeat this again. When at the end he is inside, feeling comfortably and eating with pleasure, close the door. The next step is to keep the door closed for a longer and longer period while you are at home. Repeat this process with the following commands- call him to the crate, give him something delicious and with a command like "kennel” for example, encourage him to go inside. Then the last step is to do this when you are leaving home for short periods.
Dos and Don'ts in Dog Crate Training
Don't let him out if she whines or barks
Don't give up if your dog fusses about going into the crate or whines
Don’t force the dog; he shouldn't be afraid of his crate
Don't use the crate as punishment
Don’t leave your puppy for a long in the crate- follow the rule- 1 month old, one hour in the crate, 2 months- 2 hours and so on.
Put your dog in the crate every time when you can't supervise him no matter if this is for five minutes or 5 hours
Check the airlines which you are traveling with if it is airline-approved
Use the crate as a training tool for housebreaking and chewing
Give your dog a lot of time for playing and exercise and he will accept the crate as a den and a complement.
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