Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 12:17

When you were a kid, having a wild dog for a pet was probably not so bad for you. You always had someone to blame little "accidents" on, but now that you've gained a few years and some little wisdom. Plus, it's YOUR stuff getting destroyed now, so the novelty has worn off. It's time to look into professional help. Choosing the appropriate dog training course can be difficult, but with these tips you should be able to find the "best fit" for both of you. Is a dog training course really necessary and what are the benefits? For one there is the safety of your children. A properly trained dog is proportionately less likely to bite. You and your dog will be able to have more fun because you won't be afraid to take him/her out to the local park to play catch. What's your learning style? Do you learn best by reading, by seeing something done or through verbal instructions? Knowing the answer to this question will help you to narrow down your search considerably and make the process easier for you and the animal. If you are uncomfortable your dog WILL pick up on this, delaying the process. Now that you know your training preferences, the dog breeder where you got your dog from could be one of your first stops. Most established breeders got that way by entering their dogs into shows to proof the pedigree. So this is going to be a person who knows what they are talking about. Build a rapport and you may even learn some of their personal secrets. An often overlooked den of information is the humane society, but the staff and volunteers who care for the animals there do so for genuine love of animals. They spend day after day working to turn the meanest animals into docile pets deserving of a good home. It stands to reason then, that they may have learned more than a few tricks in their tenure. Another reason to visit the shelter is that they often offer discounted training courses. You can visit dog parks, or other locales that dog owners and their charges frequent. Watch for well-behaved dogs and approach the owner. Ask how they went about training their dogs. The answers you receive this way may be quite different from the breeder's and that will help you to tailor your experience to you and your dog. Ultimately, you may even opt for a home-based dog training course. This will allow you to train your puppy in an environment that is already comfortable and familiar for both of you. Many professional dog trainers have begun to market video-based courses as well as books.
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