Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 06:23

There are many easy dog-training exercises you can use to train your dog. All dogs should have basic dog training, as this is key when you are trying to communicate with your dog. Without any training you and your dog will not understand each other.
Dog training allows you to communicate with your dog in a way that both of you will understand each other. Training a puppy of dog is simply as long as you keep it simple, short and fun for both of you.
Puppies should begin their training as soon as possible, within the first month. Puppies learn a lot within the first month if their lives as they are experiencing their surroundings and learning new behaviors and habits. All family members should be involved in the training and everyone needs to agree on the regulations and rules involved with dog training. Proper training is a commitment and you want to do it right at the beginning, as retaining can be very challenging.
You should have designated areas for eating, sleeping and the toiled and these areas should be consistent for the first month. A schedule should be drawn up of walking feeding, playing and training times and you need to stick to that schedule. You need to monitor how much food and water you give your dog as they may not learn control and have accidents.
When you are away from home a leash and collar can be an excellent tool in order to establish boundaries as well as prevent accidents. However when you are at home you should not confine your dog but allow them to interact with the family.
Dogs are very fast learners so when they do well you should reward them immediately with either treats or stroking. Do not give in to your dog even if they give you that adorable puppy face. You should only reward your dog when he is behaving correctly. To make your dog recognize his name you should crouch down call his name and when he responds let him know he or she is good. You should repeat this many times in order for the dog to become associated with his or her name.
Some common dog behavioral problems that need to be taken care of can be trained away with a lot of attention and patience. Separation anxiety, poop eating, jumping, fearful dogs, excessive barking, digging, chewing, biting and aggression can all be prevented or corrected using the appropriate dog training. The earlier you start dog training the better but a dog can always be trained.
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