Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 12:35

Do you want to feel the kind of hugging that could warm your heart, the sense that you'll get while touching those soft fur of a puppy and those licks that could almost wet your face all over?
Your heart is not the only part of you that having a puppy could completely melt away since you are more likely to end up using all the dollars in your pocket with all the costs required, however, no matter how tough a person would say that he don't need one, landing up with a dog is the more usual event just before he could back out. There's something charming about bringing home a little fur ball that needs you. Having to train a dog at an early age is indeed a good idea since you can make it cope with your own standard of life and the kind of environment that you belong.
You can also teach your children (if you have) the essence of being affectionate to other creatures particularly to a puppy. When they grow up, they will tend to go over those sweet and fun memories they had with the puppy when they were still young. But don't ever get dazzled by all those fun and sweet moments that a puppy can give you since there are other things that you should also consider - such as paper schooling, walking on a leash, chewing toys instead of designer shoes and other typical puppy behaviors that drive owners to the brink of insanity.
Yes, a puppy is precious, but also very needy. Spending time with a pup particularly at some early stage would surely ask a lot of your time than that when you take care of a mature dog. The shelters are crowded with dogs - many just a few months out of pup phase.
The breed of the dog or the things that it had been through is most likely to be thought about the choice of which dog is best to bring home to a family with kids will somehow depend to the seller or adoption facility's proposition as well as which dog is best for adults to have. You'll know straightaway what the dog's full size is and whether that fits your living space. You are permitted to visit the dog just before you make up your mind so why don't you savor the moment of taking him to a walk? When you're evaluating a litter of pups from a breeder, make sure you get to "meet" mom and dad. You surely want to be aware of what your puppy might be like when it gets more mature.
A puppy will have the most advantage of enjoying the comfort of your home without any trouble, whereas an older dog would tend to react, but that doesn't mean the more mature dog won't love your home, too. The required attention and care or time and effort that a pup would need simply differ to that of an older dog's requirements. A pup has to be trained from square one. It is more likely that older dogs have already been schooled, but if they are not as healthy as they want them to be, you would need to give a lot of effort and money sending them to vets. Or maybe, the aging dog became unruly and no longer had the disposition towards children like it used to be when it was just more youthful.
Depending on your reasons for getting a new dog, giving an older shelter dog the home and loving family that it needs is something that you might like to do than spending much of your time and money bringing home a pure blood pup. But if showing or breeding is your aim, a puppy with papers might suit your needs more. A puppy with complete documentation can surely cater to your desires if you want to show it off or breed in the future. If you plan to show off your dog or have it breed in the long run, then getting a puppy with all the relevant records can surely go with whatever you want or require.
very good