Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 06:22

As with any enforced change, we're likely to hear more from veterinary professionals, as well as pet owners, about the pending Swiss pet housing and care regulations. There will no doubt be friends, and opponents, of the plan.
We all know that No Man is an Island, and in agreement with the Swiss Federal Council, on September 1, 2008, no guinea pig or budgie should be either.
The new guidelines aren't targeted only at owners of cavies and budgies, but include 175 pages of regulations that apply to circuses, ranches, and zoos, as well as individuals that possess other domesticated animals.
Supporters of the new regulations, prospected to be enforced in September 2010, include the animals whose care is in question, as well as those troubled about jobless rates in Switzerland. There will be manpower required to enforce these laws, as well as educators needed to teach pet owners.
Though established with the welfare of our animal friends in mind, these pending Swiss pet regulations have been met with a certain dose of skepticism.
Challengers question the potential of these 175 pages to bring order. Case in point,
How can minimum enclosure sizes for budgies and guinea pigs be uniformly implemented?
How will a literal ban on canine possession for those who haven't completed a dog ownership course be imposed? What will happen to dogs whose owners are disobedient?
How will the people of Geneva, where tight dog ownership policies are already in force, react to an additional 16 hours of required education?
Farther out of the budgie budget are minimum cage size obligations for large animals, such as elephants and rhinoceroses. Cleanliness guidelines relate to zoos and circuses, which the Swiss government reserves the right to be adamant about.
Farmers are likely to zoo out about the imminent enforcement. Some regulations are established, like the ban of chicken cages since 1981, but others might come as a shock. Continuous tethering of animals is now out of the question, while swine have get the right to showers on warm summer days and spotless pens all year round. And horses, like guinea pigs and budgies, will no longer be living solitary lives.
Likewise, breeders are going to have to breed a new attitude in regard to care of animals on their properties.
The most recent Swiss animal rights rules will not go into full effect until September of 2010, and until they do, the Swiss administration wants to highlight their wish to encourage learning, rather than to rule with a strong arm. This, on the other hand, does not point toward a lax attitude on their part, when penalties are called for. If an event, such as a dog bite, requires action, action will be taken.
You may own a seemingly indiscernible pet, like a budgie or guinea pig, or a run an association that displays the largest land mammal alive. Whichever way, be prepared for education, restrictions, and tougher environment.
The greatest plan of action for any animal owner will unquestionably be to familiarize him or herself with regulations that relate to their specific animal ownership circumstances.
Whether you're a lifelong Geneva citizen or a newcomer to Switzerland, animal ownership instruction is not an option, it's the law.
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