Labrador Health And Grooming

Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 18:51

Many dog owners assume that when they purchase a breed of dog with short hair, such as a Labrador Retriever, that they won't have to spend time grooming their dog. They quickly find out that they are mistaken. While it is true that Labrador Retrievers do not require as much grooming as a longer haired breed of dog, there is still some grooming required.

Daily Labrador grooming will lessen the amount of hair the dog sheds in the house, strengthen the bond between dog and owner and help detect and prevent many skin conditions. While daily grooming is an important part of your Labrador's life, there are times when more aggressive grooming measures will need to be taken. There are times when the Labrador will need its ears cleaned, its nail trimmed and it will need to be given a bath.

You will find that your grooming sessions are more enjoyable if you don't have to spend an hour trying to track down your grooming equipment. Try to keep your grooming supplies in one place. You'll find that a small rubber container is an excellent way to keep your dog's grooming supplies in one place.

The trick to successfully bathing your Labrador is to make it as stress free as possible. Start by brushing your dog. This is an activity that they are familiar with from the daily grooming sessions and it should help reassure your dog that you won't let anything bad happen. It is tempting, especially after the dog has been rolling in a smelly carcass it found in the woods, to use the most powerful shampoo you can find.

When you have removed all the dead hair from your dog, you should then use a brush with short firm bristles to brush your dog's coat. While the brush is smoothing the dog's hair it will also collect the dog's natural oils from its skin and deposit the oil on the hair shaft, giving the hair a healthy glow. A gleaming dog is a sign of successful Labrador grooming.

The reason that Labrador grooming is so important, besides extending the life of your vacuum cleaner, is that it the first line of defense when it comes to your dog's health. While you are grooming your dog take a few extra minutes and run your hands over the dog's entire body.

The ears are another important part of Labrador grooming. The breed seems to be susceptible to developing ear infections that are partly cause by the build up of dead skin, wax and dirt on the inside of the ear flap.

After you have finished grooming your dog, wipe the inside of it's ears with a warm washcloth, cleaning the ears will help prevent your Labrador from developing an ear infection

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