Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 12:32
Do you want to buy a pet stroller and do you wonder if your dog would like it or not? Most of the dog owners soon realize that their dogs adjust quickly to the pet strollers but if you are still not pretty sure what exactly to buy here are some tips for you which can help you in your choice and to encourage your dog to learn to love their pet stroller.
You should use pet strollers only when you are outside. If you use it only when you both are out, your dog will associate the pet stroller with the nice walks and will adjust quickly to it. After a few walks in the dog stroller when your dog sees the stroller it will be a signal for him that you are going out and he will welcome it with pleasure. On the other hand if you use it indoors your dog would feel confined especially if you put him there as a punishment after being naughty.
It is good idea f there is an area where your dog feels well, leave him alone with the pet stroller to investigate it on their own. It will be smarter if you put some dog snacks inside. He will be excited to find them and he will feel comfortable even soon he might take a nap in the dog stroller. Then the moment when your dog will take his first ride in it is not far. It is important to the stroller wheels to avoid rolling away of your dog when he jumps in because this will slow down the process of adjustment.
Treat your dog the first few times being in the pet stroller. It is very important for the dog to associate the dog stroller with pleasant feelings to start to love it.
When you first put your dog in the pet stroller choose calm and quiet places for your walks. After your dog is used to it then the time to take him in busy and crowded place has come.
Do not get frustrated that your dog does not adjust as quickly as you want to the pet stroller because he may feel your anger and thus he will associate his pet stroller with negative emotions. To make your dog love his pet stroller you should be very patient with your pet.
When you talk to your dog about his pet stroller use a happy and soft tone of voice. Soon your dog will understand that the pet stroller is fun after a couple trips.
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