Posted by jorn | Posted in | Posted on 18:54

You have just purchased a beautiful new Shih Tzu Puppy, and you want to make sure that the puppy gets used to your home in the least stressful way possible. So, the first thing that you need to do is make sure that you can dedicate a corner of a room entirely to the dog. There you can place a puppy playpen area, so that not only does your Shih Tzu puppy have his own little area, but it will be easier for you to housebreak him. This is because Shih Tzu puppies do not like to go to the bathroom where they sleep.
As for where you should set up this area for the dog, an ideal place is one that does not have any carpeting. Thus, a corner of the kitchen would be a good idea, since if the floors are tiled you can clean up any messes quickly.
Some new Shih Tzu puppy owners might become stressed out at the prospect of trying to figure out how large the size of the play corner should be. However, it all is self-explanatory, because the play corner should be able to fit in to everyone's living space comfortably.
If you have a large kitchen, you are, of course, at an advantage, because you can then purchase a larger puppy play fence, so that the puppy can play and exercise while you are not at home. Yet, at the same time, if the dog is not yet housebroken and happens to go to the bathroom in the playpen area, it can be easily cleaned up. It should be noted, however, that if you have a puppy, you should never leave it alone for long periods of time.
While a Shih Tzu puppy needs a bed, food, and water, it certainly has other needs for its playpen, otherwise it will become very bored! What a Shih Tzu puppy also needs is toys, and lots of them.
However, while toys are always fun, they can also sometimes be very dangerous. As such, you will need to choose safe toys that cannot be easily torn apart and choked on. Ideas of safe toys include things like healthy dog treats and tennis balls.
Now for the most frustrating part: housebreaking. This is a process that is going to take some time, so be sure to be firm and say "No" when you catch the dog going to the bathroom where it should not. Alternatively, when you take the dog outside and place it on a schedule, you should reward it with a healthy treat or with a hug.
Of course your new puppy also needs a name. You might choose a name based on the dog's personality. Maybe a reference to something in the Shih Tzu breed's long history would be appropriate, or maybe a combination of both a historical reference and personality trait. A little research into the history of the Shih Tzu breed could help you with this important decision.
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